Thursday, October 7, 2010

How it all started

I remember when my eldest brother would blast eminem and blink-182. That was the cool stuff. And then there was the time I wanted to be just like my sister, I would sneak in her room, she hated that, and borrow her Cd's or admire her teen-pop sensation magazine cut-outs across the tops of her walls. I learned all the words to the classic pop songs, Avril Lavign was a favorite-I swear I started the tie fad and knew her music first...  My brothers and sister were cool, so I just went along with what they listened to. Then, when the older ones left home, I was forced to find my own source of music. I generally would listen to the radio...maybe purchase a Jack Johnson or Incubus CD here and there. Then this kid, who would soon become one of my great friends, gave me a ride home in his car and I heard the most unique sound. It was amazing. I loved the way it made me feel. Kirk listed off the oddest names of bands he loved as I tried to mentally write them down, along with weird terms like "alternative" , "emo" and "indie" (yes, I was uneducated). I think I can honestly say that boy inspired me, and to this day I got to him for the latest. I love new music. Its like getting a new toy or gadget on Christmas. And I've come to find that what I love most tends to be in this so-called "indie" category. My goal is to give myself my own present, look for new artists, inform the unfortunate who are still stuck with the radio as their only and favorite source of music. I love music, and I'm going to [try] and share it with as many people as possible.

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